Presentation of CAREL
Founded in 1966 by the University of Poitiers and the Town of Royan, the CAREL offers intensive language programmes and immersion courses for school age and adult learners in English, German, Spanish, and French as a foreign language, both for French nationals and foreign students.
Every year we welcome more than 3000 people including 900 foreign students. The CAREL campus allows students from France and from all over the world to interact on a daily basis making it an ideal place to practice one’s language skills and discover other cultures.
The CAREL is a certified test centre for the DELF / DALF diplomas. The CAREL is also a certified test centre for the TOEIC, CLOE, TCF certifications.
Training courses
Découvrez nos formations pour tous en présentiel, au Centre d’Étude des Langues CAREL de Royan, et en distanciel.
Elles font l’objet d’une préparation spécifique adaptée à chaque niveau et prennent en compte les objectifs de chaque apprenant.
Certified test centre
Test de positionnement
Évaluez gratuitement vos compétences dans la langue choisie grâce à nos tests en ligne.
Students from different nationalities
Training courses
Ils nous font confiance
« Royan and the surrounding region offer a pleasant learning environment with its architecture, history, nature, culture and sporting activities. »
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Place Jean-Noël de Lipkowski
48, boulevard Franck Lamy
+33 (0)5 46 39 50 00